Setting up the Notification Service Extension

Add a Notification Service Extension target

In Xcode add a new Target to your application:

  1. In the menu File > New > Target...
  2. Select Notification Service Extension
  3. Give the name NotificationService

This should create a new target with a bundle identifier like com.example.application.NotificationService and a folder in your application called NotificationService.


To share data between the main application and service extension targets, you need to add a common app group to the main application identifier and new service extension identifier. Go the Apple Developer portal, in the Identifiers section select the App Groups dropdown to the right, then:

  1. Click + to add an App Group
  2. Select App Groups from the list
  3. Give the App Group a description and identifier, such as

Update Identifiers

Now add the App Group to your existing main application release and debug Identifiers, in the Identifiers section select the App IDs dropdown to the right, then:

  1. Click the Identifier to edit
  2. Enable the App Groups app service
  3. Click Edit and select the created app group

Create Service Extension Identifiers

Create new release and debug Identifiers for the new service extension.

  1. Click + to add an Identifier
  2. Select App IDs from the list
  3. Give the Identifier a description and identifier the same as the service extension, like com.example.application.NotificationService
  4. Enable the App Groups app service
  5. Save the Identifier, then edit it again to add the created app group as above

Provisioning Profiles

Once you've updated and created the application Identifiers, you need to create new Provisioning Profiles for the main application and service extension that include the app group service. Go the Apple Developer portal, in the Profiles section, then:

  1. Click + to add a Provisioning Profile
  2. Select the Development or Distribution type depending if its for release or debug building
  3. Select the App ID
  4. Select the Certificate, then generate the Provisioning Profile making a note of the name

Configure Notification Service Extension

Back in Xcode you need to configure for each of your projects's targets, updating the Provisioning Profiles then adding capabilities for App Groups and Keychain Sharing. First for each target:

  1. Select the Signing & Capabilities tab
  2. Update the Provisioning Profile to the newly created ones

Add an App Group Capability

Then add an App Group capability still in the Signing & Capabilities tab for each target:

  1. Click + Capability to add a capability
  2. Select App Groups from the list
  3. In the capability with the title App Groups, enable the created app group, like

Add an Keychain Sharing Capability

Then add a Keychain Sharing capability still in the Signing & Capabilities tab for each target:

  1. Click + Capability to add a capability
  2. Select Keychain Sharing from the list
  3. In the capability with the title Keychain Sharing, add a name for the Keychain Group, like com.example.SharedKeychain