Connecting an External Signer API docs

By default, the SDK uses mnemonics to generate keys and sign transactions. However, in some cases, developers would prefer not to pass the seed key to the SDK. In these cases, you can provide an external signer that provides more control over key management and signing.

To use an external signer, you'll need to:

  1. Implement the Signer trait/interface
  2. Use connect_with_signer instead of connect when initializing the SDK

Here's how to implement this:

async fn connect_with_self_signer(signer: Signer) -> Result<Arc<LiquidSdk>> {  
  // Create the default config, providing your Breez API key
  let mut config = LiquidSdk::default_config(LiquidNetwork::Mainnet, Some("<your-Breez-API-key>".to_string()))?;

  // Customize the config object according to your needs
  config.working_dir = "path to an existing directory".into();

  let connect_request = ConnectWithSignerRequest {      
  let sdk = LiquidSdk::connect_with_signer(connect_request, signer).await?;

func connectWithSelfSigner(signer: Signer) throws -> BindingLiquidSdk? {
    let mnemonic = "<mnemonic words>"

    // Create the default config, providing your Breez API key
    var config = try defaultConfig(network: LiquidNetwork.mainnet, breezApiKey: "<your-Breez-API-key>")

    // Customize the config object according to your needs
    config.workingDir = "path to an existing directory"

    let connectRequest = ConnectWithSignerRequest(config: config)
    let sdk = try? connectWithSigner(req: connectRequest, signer: signer)

    return sdk
fun connectWithSelfSigner(signer: Signer) {               

    // Create the default config, providing your Breez API key
    val config : Config = defaultConfig(LiquidNetwork.MAINNET, "<your Breez API key>")

    // Customize the config object according to your needs
    config.workingDir = "path to an existing directory"

    try {
        val connectRequest = ConnectWithSignerRequest(config)
        val sdk = connectWithSigner(connectRequest, signer)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // handle error
def connect_with_self_signer(signer: Signer):
    # Create the default config, providing your Breez API key
    config = default_config(network=LiquidNetwork.MAINNET, breez_api_key="<your-Breez-API-key>")

    # Customize the config object according to your needs
    config.working_dir = "path to an existing directory"

        connect_request = ConnectWithSignerRequest(config)
        sdk = connect_with_signer(connect_request, signer)
        return sdk
    except Exception as error:
func ConnectWithSelfSigner(signer breez_sdk_liquid.Signer) (*breez_sdk_liquid.BindingLiquidSdk, error) {

    // Create the default config, providing your Breez API key
    breezApiKey := "<your-Breez-API-key>"
    config, err := breez_sdk_liquid.DefaultConfig(breez_sdk_liquid.LiquidNetworkMainnet, &breezApiKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Customize the config object according to your needs
    config.WorkingDir = "path to an existing directory"

    connectRequest := breez_sdk_liquid.ConnectWithSignerRequest{
        Config: config,

    sdk, err := breez_sdk_liquid.ConnectWithSigner(connectRequest, signer)

    return sdk, err

  public void ConnectWithSelfSigner(Signer signer)

    // Create the default config, providing your Breez API key
    var config = BreezSdkLiquidMethods.DefaultConfig(
    ) with
        // Customize the config object according to your needs
        workingDir = "path to an existing directory"

        var connectRequest = new ConnectWithSignerRequest(config);
        var sdk = BreezSdkLiquidMethods.ConnectWithSigner(connectRequest, signer);
    catch (Exception)
        // Handle error

Developer note

A reference implementation of such signer is available in the SDK repository. You can use it as-is or customize it to meet your requirements: SdkSigner.
Note that this same implementation is used internally by the SDK when connecting with a mnemonics via the standard `Connect` method.